Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Camp Registration FULL

We will be establishing a waiting list for those interested at this time, and after April 1st non-members may sign up on the waiting list.

For those Desperate Scrampers that want to ensure a spot at Scramp Camp if you can find someone to share a table with you we can do that.  The tables are your basic 6' tables that at crops/classes you get half of.  That being said, we don't really have room for 48 scrampers, but can make a few adjustments.

The price remains the same, and you would be first in line (as you sign up we'll make a list) to get a regular space if someone drops out.

Please e-mail Nancy to get on the waiting list   nancine at

Sunday, March 18, 2012

List of Campers

Here's the list of campers that are signed up as of Sunday March 18, 2012
Diane E.
Julie R.
 Kathy J. (KJ)
 Jeri A.
Fay W.
 Lucy G.
Mariana H.
Elizabeth W.
Maria G.
 Farley C.
Rita D.
Connie L.
Nancy Y.
 Janice J.
 Tracy B.
 Jennifer R.
Chrissie R.
 Anna R.
Liney D.
Del W.
Maria O. (Rinda)
Judi W.
Lisa D. Thanks!

Updated list:
Carol Andersen (notice the new last name!)
Wendy E.
Yvette P.
and perhaps Katherine (Lucy's sister)

Friday, March 2, 2012

What's New

This is the last month for WC members to sign-up for Camp until we open it up to non-members.  So if you have been on the fence, or totally forgot about signing up check out the Financial Information page on where to send your deposits.  Sign-ups for non-members is open April 1st.

In other news, some final plans have been made on some of the activities for the camp weekend.  Can't give out any details... but you will have FUN!

Reminder:  We will be having a special prize drawing for cards donated to Operation Write Home.  We have decided that the main goal is collecting cards for the troops, so even those who cannot attend Scramp Camp this year will be able to participate.

For every two cards donated you will receive one raffle ticket.
For every card made at Scramp Camp you will receive one raffle ticket.

2 pre-made cards = 1 ticket
1 made-at-event card = 1 ticket

There will be some stamps and cardstock available at camp to make Any Hero cards.